Sunday 7 October 2018

A small difference

Saturday I went to the drop in centre to bring supplies & clean up for the kids the next day. But as I was walking noticed music, Thai traditional dancers, people I have never seen before & plastic chairs everywhere in a car covered parking area. I was the only non Thai there walking around curious about what was going on. I talked to some of the people in Thai which always brings a smile. 

Then out of nowhere I hear "Mett!" Turn my head & there is one of the village kids. Then I hear "Mett" yelled about 6 more times & all of the village kids flocked next to me. Even the 2 year old grabbled hold of my leg & held on as he walked. Wherever I walked the kids followed. Then all of the Thai's really stared at me wondering what or who this foreigner was & why the children were with me. 

The kids & I walked around together for a while then I told them I was going to prepare the centre for tomorrow & left.