Friday 7 September 2018


Last night was an evening of pleasant surprises.

I lead a short English lesson including 10 vocabulary words with 2 sisters. After going through the full list 3 times the 6 year old was able to correctly pronounce all the words without any help. I was completely amazed! Then 2 preteen boys asked if they could cook for us. They took all the spices, Thai sauces, cooked ham, steamed rice, fresh greens, fried eggs & then fried everything together. The food they made was so good!

The surprise for me was one of the boys who is always a challenge when he comes to the drop in. I have had to send him home many times over the past 4 years for many different things. I have to keep my eyes & ears opened when he comes. His home life has no boundaries, has no father & experiences little genuine love. But, he keeps coming back to our drop in centre when we are open. He has told me his dream is to become a chef & last night while at the centre was watching cooking youtube videos on his mobile phone.

I would like to open our drop in centre kitchen for him to create, practice & try new recipes whenever we are open.