Saturday, 22 August 2020

A Good Change

I want to start by saying that my son has completed his 2 week quarantine in BC. Please pray for him as he will be trying out for the Trinity Western University football team (Soccer). This has been one of his dreams.

There has been a shift for me at the community centre. During this COVID time some are still not able to work because of tourists not being allowed to enter Thailand. I took this opportunity to ask some of the families I had been meeting regularly if they would be interested in me teaching them English. I now am teaching 4 classes a week. All of my students are so excited, want to learn & study outside of class.
I am still with the children 2 evenings a week & they still run for a hug when I am there. I still am the dad that many of them do not have by loving them in the ways I can. I help the old kids with English homework, dance with them when they put their Thai dance music on & encourage them when they need it. I follow their lead when the younger kids roll play husband/wife, brother/sister, boyfriend/girlfriend & just friends with the Ken & Barbie dolls. I have learned so much about the kids home life, school life & Thai culture just by watching the younger kids (both boys & girls) play with the Barbie dolls. 
We still colour, craft & teach them cooking. But the one thing that the kids are so happy to do is show me the cool new things they can do, tell me the achievements they have accomplished or share their dreams for the future. Someone to care, encourage, watch & listen to them. 
but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.” Matt 19:14 NCV