Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Open Again 4 the Kids

I want to start by saying thank-you for everyone who has been praying for Kiel & his Dengue Fever. I is back to normal other than feeling tired late in the afternoons.

We are still waiting for the COVID quarantine plan from the university in BC & in the meantime know that they will be ready to receive students coming from international locations the 3rd week in August. The sad thing is that Teresa will not be able to travel with Kiel to help him buy the things he will need for his dorm room. The Thai government currently is not allowing our visa type to return to Thailand so if we leave we will not be able to return. We are planning as best we can, but each week I check flights & the previous weeks flights are no longer available (probably cancelled) & there are new listings with different airlines.

I am happy to say that the community centre is now opened for the kids. Only a maximum of 15 children are allowed to enter the centre gate. Then we take their temperature with an infrared thermometer (37.0 Celsius they are sent home) record it in our log book with their name, time entered & give them a face mask to wear at all times. We the leaders wear our face masks at all times & try our best to have the kids keep a meter apart, but don’t get upset with them if they naturally forget to apart.

My ESL student has been waiting for me to resume our weekly classes for months now. She came by the centre last week to check to make sure classes would start & was so excited to be able to keep learning in hopes that it will allow her to move to a better job in the future.

Here is one of the 4yr old kids that is always excited to see us whenever we enter the community. In this photo he finished eating his pancakes, the cooking lesson that evening & was washing his spoon/bowl & placing it on the drying rack. It’s cool when you don’t have to remind him, he just knows that has to clean his dishes.