This week we have been closed again for another older lady who passed away. To honour the family left behind we closed. But each day our village kids were trying to sneak in or standing at the front gate begging to come in as we continued with needed renovations. Their best excuse was, "Matt please, please can we come in? We really want to help you!" Deep down I knew that they really would have helped for a short period of time, but would then want to play. I told them we needed to honour their elders & remain closed.
It has been a real challenge for me because I have felt that due to events outside of my control we have been closed more than being opened recently. I have said to myself many times in frustration that so much time is being wasted & asked "what is going on?"
The challenges of thinking sometimes like a short sighted business, looking only at the 1st quarter results when your vision is long term. For us it's life change in our village kids, their families & the community as a whole. Many times in the short term things appear a mess, but is needed to happen for the long term vision to be realized.
The Lord says, “My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Your ways are not like my ways. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9 NCV