Thursday 21 March 2013

I hope many of you have not gotten the stomach flu that is going around & that all of us got nailed with last week. It was the worst I have felt in 12 years, but we are glad we are through with it. Teresa is still not feeling completely normal yet.

Teresa & I had a childless weekend which was great because we were able to have an uninterrupted time to get some of the many things checked off our "to do" list. I have been making a new newsletter contact list & almost into my 2nd full day gathering & updating. Just to note that we have sent out almost 200 letters already. If for any reason I have missed you & you would like a newsletter. Please feel free to contact me & I will see that you get one. I ask for your patience as I am trying to get peoples information correct & updated.

I also will be calling people to see if they would like a personal visit to hear in more detail about Thailand & how we may possibly be serving there.

Please pray as I will be sending the kids international school applications hopefully by the end of the day. We have heard that children have been turned down due to spaces, but had to wait on doctors appointments for parts of their applications. We will need to increase our support to pay for the kids education.

We also will be purchasing our airline tickets this week. I will be speaking at a social justice poverty youth event at a Catholic Church on Friday evening & preaching at a church in Halifax to which I have never been on Sunday. I am really excited & now that I am a missionary really enjoy preaching, but when I was a pastor found it really difficult & to be honest didn't like it.