Thursday 6 June 2013

Is Prayer Really Enough?

Is prayer really enough? This is the question I have been wrestling with especially this week. So many people come to Teresa & I and share their lives. Their joys, but much of the time share their struggles. Many say that they do not have anyone that they can talk to here.

 I also have felt while here on home assignment the culture is constantly telling us that we need to always be "doing" something for people. I need to buy something, do something or give something. "But if I don't do something, then who will?" I need to not think about it & "act now."

God even today has really pressed on my heart to STOP & be still.

Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” 

Because today God has shown me that the question "is prayer really enough" needs to be changed to "is God really enough?"

Psalm 55:22
Give your burdens to the Lord,
    and he will take care of you.
    He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

Yes, God prayer is enough, you are enough.